Main Street Idaho is a group of dedicated Idaho legislators with Brennan Summers as the Executive Director.

We are committed to fostering economic growth, championing free markets, and expanding Idaho's economy. Guided by common-sense conservative principles, we govern thoughtfully, striving to deliver tangible benefits to the citizens of Idaho.

Our mission is to support and empower small business owners, promote economic and individual prosperity, and ensure accountability within the executive branch.

Grounded in our core principles, we believe in comprehensive tax reform that simplifies the code, lowers rates, and creates an environment conducive to business growth and job creation. We advocate for regulatory reform that alleviates burdens on businesses and consumers, facilitating economic growth across the state.

We actively promote policies that encourage the development of nuclear energy sources, ensuring a sustainable and diverse energy sector in Idaho.

Our commitment to expanding trade opportunities and opening new markets for Idaho goods and services contributes to enhanced economic vitality statewide, while prioritizing the safety and security of our citizens.

In pursuit of our mission, our goals for 2023 include building robust relationships with fellow legislators, business leaders, and community members to foster collaboration and advance our shared objectives.

Through comprehensive research and the development of tailored policy proposals, we aim to offer practical solutions that align with Main Street Idaho's principles and address the specific needs of Idaho.

By actively advocating for our policies within the legislature and engaging in open dialogue in public forums, we seek to promote understanding and gain support for our vision of economic growth, individual prosperity, and accountable governance.

Looking ahead to 2024, our mission remains steadfast. We will continue to strengthen relationships, amplify our voice, and advocate for Main Street Idaho's policies. We are dedicated to introducing and supporting legislation that reflects our principles and provides practical solutions to drive economic growth and uplift individual prosperity.

We recognize the importance of educating the public about Main Street Idaho's principles, emphasizing the significance of limited government, individual liberty, and free markets for Idaho's sustained prosperity and future success.

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